Recruitment in care is currently quite challenging as the country deals with a diminishing labour pool and sector demands never before seen. At Prama, we like a challenge and have been thinking about different ways we can attract people into care. We have looked at our retention and how we can better support staff in these challenging times and at recruitment in general to encourage more people to come and work with us. It turns out, we weren’t the only ones. The NHS has been tasked with improving social care access for the millions that need it and we recently expressed our interest to work with them to highlight and improve the situation.
We are delighted to be working with our local NHS services as a sponsor employer, along with two other large care companies, in a new initiative designed to encourage new-to-care staff into the Care Sector. We have been working very hard behind the scenes to develop marketing material, align pay and conditions with the NHS and design an 18-month scholarship programme, to encourage new carers to join this amazing career path. New staff will be employed by the NHS but on secondment to us to train and gain valuable experience in domiciliary care. Look out for the digital advertising boards in your town centres and online to register your interest with Join Our Dorset.
Along with a shiny marketing campaign and some extensive work with the Indeed online job board, we hope that up to 200 people will come along to the recruitment event at The Bournemouth International Centre on the 25th January to meet industry experts and have an interview with the intention of offering 100 people conditional job offers with one of the 3 sponsor employers – on the day!
If you, or anyone you know, is interested in starting a job in care please register your interest at the link provided.